Portland Book Review of Come What May

“This book is more than just a vampire story. Swaim has used the vampire/horror genre to create this finely tuned Bildungsroman, allowing us to join Sam on his journey of awakening and self-discovery. But Come What May is also a damn good, complex, and sufficiently creepy vampire story. Swaim’s level of writing is rare in the world of self-published novels, and this story largely avoids the clichés that can bog

Deep POV: A quick explanation for Rhoda

POV 1stperson-I, I, I 2nd’ person-you, you, you 3rdperson, he/she/they 3rdperson omniscient is hard, because you can switch between characters in a scene. The person telling the story is God, and can see or feel everything every character does, plus has knowledge of stuff they don’t. It’s tricky, though. 3rdperson limited. This is your bread and butter. Usually God-like dumps of data are forbidden, instead opting for a movie-camera like

Independent Thriller Authors Unite!

I’ve had an interesting week. It started with an email to Lee Child about the International Thriller Writers. Soon, a few other indie thriller authors from the kboards forum banded together to start the Independent Thriller Authors organization. http://thrillerauthors.org We also have a Facebook page. IndependentThrillerAuthors Our mission statement? “The goal of The Independent Thriller Authors (ITA) is to promote the art and craft of the indie thriller author. We

Portland Book Review of Project StrikeForce

When former soldier John Frist detonates a bomb outside the Red Cross, killing hundreds of innocent civilians, he believes he is seeking revenge for wrongs committed against him by his country. With traumatic brain injuries from an IED attack in Iraq, Frist confuses the responsibility for his father’s death and places blame on the American government and the Red Cross. Frist has become exactly what he was fighting against in

Project StrikeForce, part deux!

Spent the weekend working on the snowflake writing method. I’ve got my basic story, character sheets, and I’m working on expanding the story so that I can start my scene list.  I hope to be completed by next weekend, and I hope to have the novel completely written by the end of October.